SEMINOLE WIND: Billy Brightpath Volume I Revised (Billy Brightpath Adventures Book 1)
K.T. Dixon has revived the old fashion art of Southern storytelling and put it in print for all to enjoy. His homespun style incorporates a hint of modern flair, creating a literary fusion that is a pleasure to read.
Seminole Wind is a lighthearted, romantic adventure set in the wild outback of the Florida Everglades. The tale is filled with emotionally charged action, intrigue, and laughter that will entertain both male and female readers alike.
Billy Brightpath is the first Seminole Indian in history to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. When he returns to his Reservation home in South Florida, Brightpath finds the family ranch under the control of a sugar industry tycoon and he has to fight to regain what is rightfully his. When a long lost love re-enters his life, Brightpath is torn between being with the woman he loves and killing the man he hates. Though he must fight the battle of his life to protect his land, the war in the field pales in comparison to the one that Billy Brightpath must fight within his own heart.