The premium, all-season, all purpose diesel fuel additive, designed to tackle virtually any diesel fuel related problem.
Meets Cummins L10 Superior Test for cleanliness
Made by a fuel injection equipment manufacturer
Stanadyne Performance Formula protects your diesel engine and restores engine performance. The detergency and cetane improver in Performance Formula will help restore fuel economy, increase horsepower and torque.
1) Restores/Increase Horsepower, detergents clean deposits in the injection system resulting in improved combustion, better acceleration, power, and torque
2) Reduces Fuel Consumption, independent tests show an average of 4 Percent improvement in MPG and gains up to 9.6 Percent
3) Cetane Improver, improves combustion resulting in better engine starting, smooth running, and reduced engine noise
Meets all engine fuel system requirements and will not harm exhaust aftertreatment systems
4) Reduces Emissions, reduces Smoke and Particulates
5) Cleans and Protects, detergents and deposit modifiers help protect injection pumps, injectors, nozzles, etc.
6) Reduces Wear , lubricity improvers restore lubricity to ultra low sulfur and other low lubricity diesel fuels
7) Stabilizes Fuel, keeps fuel fresher and protects against formations of gums caused by oxidation
8) Cold Weather Protection, improves diesel pour point up to 40 Degrees F (22 C), and cold filter plug point by up to 25 Degrees F (13 C), depending on base fuel
9) Corrosion Preventative, Corrosion inhibiters will protect the fuel system from rust and corrosion
10) Helps Remove Water, special demulsifiers cause tiny water droplets to come out of suspension/emulsion, so the filter/separator can more effectively remove water
11) Contains No Alcohol, avoids corrosion and accelerated wear
12) Specially Formulated for use with ultra low sulfur diesel fuel
13) Can be used with Bio Diesel Fuel up to B20 (20 Percent bio content approved ) and increased water separation shown in bio content up to B20