Set in the sixties and early seventies, Sacred Objects follows Laura McKenna, a young woman, as she struggles with her own morality against the cultural upheaval of the times. As a young girl, Laura escapes into a fantasy world to avoid her angry father and troubled mother. In high school, she falls for a preacher's son, but when he rejects her sexual invitation, Laura stumbles and withdraws.     Away at college, Laura meets Pia, an exotic young widow, an artist, who lives in a magical house near the Ohio River. This relationship reshapes Laura's values in ways that both challenge and excite her.     After Laura's first boyfriend ends their relationship, she experiments with other men, only to find more heartache. However, it is on a lone pilgrimage that Laura discovers the sacred objects she's collected along the way. To move ahead, she is forced to choose which ones to keep, and which to let go.