Safe Room Survival Guide: A Step-By-Step Beginner's Guide On How To Build And Stockpile An Emergency Safe Room For Home Defense And Disaster Preparedness
You may think of a safe room as some fringe addition to a home filled with paranoid people. Or maybe the safe room strikes you as something that only the rich and famous have access to. Well, you wouldn’t be wrong about either notion. Still, that doesn’t make it a bad idea for a person like you.
Now the idea of a safe room and how it functions is totally up to you. At its essence, the safe room is a secure and reinforced location that you and your family can escape to should you be threatened by a disaster or human threat. The safe room should be strong enough to keep you safe from the natural or human threat and you should have what you need to communicate the threat as well as protect yourself inside the safe room.
There are many variants on the market and even FEMA has their recommendations on how to build or buy the very best safe room you can get your hands on. This is because there are strict criteria that you should look for when purchasing a safe room. If you choose to go that route.
In this safe room survival guide we are going to tackle the issue of adding a safe room to your preparedness plan and how to best use that safe room. I want to spend time looking at important ideas like why you need a safe room in the first place. It will be important for you to gauge the necessity before making the commitment.
We will also talk about things like where to get your safe room or simply how to build one on your own. Both are great options depending on your situation. Then there is the issue of your safe room plan. When will you decide it’s time to get into the safe room? What circumstances warrant such action? These questions must be answered before a disaster to take full advantage of your safe room.
The safe room survival guide will guarantee you take full advantage of this emergency preparedness option. It will offer you an in depth overview of the benefits in building and using a safe room.