San Francisco is a city founded by and for adventure seekers rooted in the ideal of progressive values. At once cosmopolitan and relaxed, professional and playful, the "City by the Bay" captures tens of thousands of new residents a year even though the physical boundaries of the peninsula that San Francisco is situated on prevents the advancement of urban sprawl. Just outside this seven-by-seven swath, Golden Gate National Parkland stretches up and down the coast, providing visitors with plenty of outdoor recreation opportunities in addition to the myriad of cultural happenings within the city limits. Photographer Bob Morris captures the vibrant creativity and passion of San Francisco with his eloquent and powerful photography, while writer Joslyn Hamilton shares the stories behind the images. From San Francisco's Native American, Mexican, and Spanish Mission heritage, through settlement by gold seekers and the great earthquakes of 1906 and 1989, San Francisco is a resilient city with a heart of gold.