Schedule Your Dream: 8 steps to maximizing your time and mobilizing your vision (Schedule Solutions Book 1)
Do you have a dream burning inside, but feel you don't have time to pursue it?
Are your weeks full of stress, missed deadlines, lost papers, and frustration at being at everyone else’s beck and call without being able to do what matters most to you? Are you ready to discover how to streamline your life in order to make time for your dream?
This practical and inspiring book will show you how it really is possible to carve time out of your busy schedule for your dream. Whether you work at home or in an office, whether your dream is personal or professional, you can move forward with your vision. Unlike many books that suggest quitting your job or hiring someone to do most of your tasks, this one lays out 8 steps for pursuing a dream starting from your current situation and budget.
You will learn how to:
- Validate your dream and equip yourself for it
- Organize your data and plan your schedule
- Focus your priority time and balance your schedule
- Delegate effectively and extricate yourself if you are overcommitted
Don’t let time pressure suck the joy out of your life, out of your vision. Follow the advice in this book, and within a few days you will see how rewarding it is to Schedule Your Dream!
Liane has accomplished another milestone in her dream. How is this possible with her calendar filled with family time, translation work, leadership tasks, as well as local and international activities? That’s right: she scheduled it! In this book, Schedule Your Dream, she explains the step by step process any of us can follow. Liane has saved us hundreds of hours, not to mention hundreds of dollars, by pulling together principles she has learned through reading, study, and life experience. Gems for taking a dream from a fleeting thought to full-blown reality are contained in her book. Liane is one of the most focused, resolute people I know. Life is measured through her dream. If it doesn’t fit the dream she simply doesn’t pursue it. Read this book, incorporate the eight steps into your life, and you will see your own dream unfold.
—Jim Poitras, B.Ed.
Director of Education/AIM for UPCI Global Missions
Chairman of the UPCI French Literature Cooperative
LIANE R. GRANT is an OTTIAQ certified translator with a B.A. in Translation and an M.A. in Translation Studies. She is the founder and overseer of The King’s Translators, Secretary of the UPCI French Literature Cooperative, and Curriculum Administrator for Purpose Institute. Liane has a knack for finding the most efficient way to accomplish a task with excellence. Her experience in fulfilling multiple roles has helped her hone her planning and productivity skills into a highly efficient personal time management system.
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