Secondary Traumatic Stress: Self-Care Issues for Clinicians, Researchers, and Educators
Used Book in Good Condition
As our knowledge of traumatic stress grows, so too does our awareness of the high cost of caring. Beginning with the assumption that caring for people who have experienced highly stressful events puts the caregiver at risk for developing similar stress-related symptoms, this book brings together some of the best thinkers in the trauma field to write about the prevention and treatment of Secondary Traumatic Stress. This "cutting edge" material not only reflects the current state of knowledge about secondary traumatization, but in a personal way explores our ethical obligations to each other, to our communities, and to future trauma research. Revised, expanded edition includes a new preface and introduction, a revised chapter on telehealth, a new chapter on moderating secondary traumatic stress through administrative and policy action, an extensive bibliography, and a new index!