<p> Intellectually satisfying and very teachable, <b>Securities Regulation: Cases and Materials, Sixth Edition</b> uses well-crafted and interesting problem exercises to engage students in the theory and applications of securities regulation. </p> <p> <b>The strengths of this casebook continue to be</b>: </p> <ul> <li> a <b>balance of practice and doctrine</b> from leading authorities </li> <li> a <b>highly flexible organizational structure</b> that adapts to a variety of teaching approaches </li> <li> a <b>wealth of interesting problems</b> that present opportunities for students to apply legal concepts and reinforce their understanding </li> <li> <b>smart, straightforward writing style</b> </li> <li> <b>timely supplementation</b> by the authors’ own <b>Annual Statutory Supplement</b> and <b>Case Supplement</b> </li> <li> outstanding coverage of the <b>1933</b> and <b>1934 Acts</b> </li> </ul> <b>Updated throughout, the revised Sixth Edition offers coverage of</b>: <ul> <li> <b>recent cases on pleading securities fraud</b> following the Supreme Court’s decision in <i>Tellabs</i> </li> <li> the <b>D.C. Circuit’s rebuffs</b> <b>to the SEC</b> in their regulation of <b>broker-dealers, investment advisers</b>, and <b>mutual funds</b> </li> <li> <b>electronic voting</b> and new forms of shareholder communication in <b> proxy regulation</b> </li> <li> full integration of the <b>substantial SEC rule changes</b> that <b>affect resales of securities</b> </li> <li> significant developments in <b>SEC internal procedures related to enforcement actions</b> </li> <li> expanding regulation of the <b>municipal securities markets</b> </li> <li> substantial compliance with <b>Reg. D</b> </li> <li> <b>unincorporated associations</b> as securities </li> </ul> Authored by respected leaders who understand the importance of balancing practice and doctrine, this casebook’s clear writing and modular chapters that make for an excellent classroom experience. <p> <b>*A Teacher’s Manual may be available for this book. Teacher’s Manuals are a professional courtesy offered to professors only. For more information or to request a copy, please contact Aspen Publishers at 800-950-5259 or legaledu@wolterskluwer.com.</b> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>