serial (TTL), i2c and SPI interface (jumper selectable)
Module size: 98mm x 60mm x 13.5mm
20x4 LCD Module Amber on Black (Amber characters, black background). This type of display is called NEGATIVE. The character color shows the color of the backlight.
It has serial interface (serial TTL, i2c and SPI) for easy interface to any micro controller, all in a standard LCD module size (no more backpack or wider size needed).
Contrast and backlight can be controlled using serial commands. Serial interface is selectable by setting different jumpers.
For Serial interface, use pins 1 to 3 (Pin 1 = RX, Pin 2 = GND, Pin 3 = +5V).
Pin 4 is not connected.
For i2c interface, use pins 7 to 10 (Pin 7 = SCL, Pin 8 = SDA, Pin 9 = GND, Pin 10 = +5V).
For SPI interface, use pins 5 to 10 (Pin 5 = SS, Pin 6 = SDO, Pin 7 = SCK, Pin 8 = SDI, Pin 9 = GND, Pin 10 = +5V).
Product Datasheet:
Arduino Sample program:
Arduino 1.0 library: