Setting the Agenda describes the mass media’ssignificant and sometimes controversial role in determining whichtopics are at the centre of public attention and action. In thisnew edition of his comprehensive book, Max McCombs, one of thefounding fathers of the agenda-setting tradition of research,extends his previous synthesis of hundreds of studies carried outon this central role of the mass media in the shaping of publicopinion.
Across the world, the mass media strongly influences how we picturepublic affairs. In describing this media influence on what we thinkabout and how we think about it, Setting the Agenda alsodiscusses the sources of these media agendas, the psychologicalexplanation for their impact on the public agenda, and thesubsequent consequences for attitudes, opinions and behaviour. Newto this edition, McCombs debates the role of the expanded medialandscape on agenda setting, the impact of the internet on thepower of legacy media and the role of agenda setting beyond therealm of public affairs,
This fully updated new edition will prove invaluable to students ofmedia, communications and politics, as well as those interested inthe role of mass media in shaping and directing public opinion.