The view from the existential peripheries... Somewhere deep in no-man's land there is a rag-tag bunker where you can watch the shells of the Culture War lighting up the night. The rainbow flag flutters to the West, in the East shines the Sign of the Cross. This book is written from that bunker. It is the fruit of seven years spent trying to formulate a better approach to dialogue between the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ community. Drawing on the material presented at it explores questions like: "How can a gay Catholic be true to her sexual identity while remaining faithful to the Church?" "Is homophobia real, and what should Christians be doing about it?" "What does it mean to be gay, or queer, or trans? Why would a Christian choose to use those terms?" "Why would a gay person want to be Catholic in the first place?" Whether you're an LGBTQ Christian looking for shelter, a straight Christian who loves someone gay, or a gay person looking for a better way to have the conversation about sexuality and faith this is a book that cuts through the politics and the bitterness to arrive at the heart of the queer person, made in the image and likeness of God.