Shipping Container Homes: Beginners guide to building your own container home - includes plans and designs
Discover how to own the house of your dreams without being bogged down by a mortgage payment. With the design plans and diagrams that are provided for you in this book, you€ll be able to consider yourself an amateur expert on this subject in no time. You will also benefit from chapters on how to weatherproof your home, and interior design methods for shipping container homes. You€ll also learn about the different types of shipping containers so that you can find the perfect one to fit your individual style and preference. Included inside the book: € The history of the shipping container and its typical dimensions € Tips on how to decide which type of shipping container home is best for you € How to transport your shipping container and other cost considerations € Interior design tips that other container home builders have used before you € Ways to add space to your home 0nce you€ve converted it into a living space € Additional resources that can guide you towards even more depth information € And much more, including Insulation, Maintenance, Decorating, Exterior protection