This is a facsimile of "Shooting," originally published in 1930.
This book is Fitzgerald's attempt to compile an absolutely comprehensive book on the use of the hand gun, and it is fair to say he accomplished his goal. This book covers in great detail the use of the hand gun on the range, on game, and for the defense of oneself and others. Perhaps the most unique aspect of this book is the time spent on the use of the hand gun for police and bank purposes. The inclusion of such specialized information makes this book a great reference for those who seek information on using a hand gun for self-defense.
From the Preface, by J. Henry Fitzgerald:
After more than thirty-five years of shooting experience I find my study filled with manuscripts relating to the different pistols, revolvers, ammunition, and their uses.
My years of experience in instruction work with the New York State Troopers (of which I am a member), on the different target ranges, and in banks and police departments; the pleasant years spent as expert in charge of the testing department of the Colt Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company of Hartford, Connecticut; my association with the shooters, lectures and expert testimony, both in the United States and Canada, have left me with a wealth of data on all the different branches of revolver and pistol shooting.
It has been my ambition for many years to place all this in book form and in the following pages I will not describe all the different makes of small arms, properly called the One-Hand Gun, but will, instead, speak of the arms which I use in the different kinds of shooting explained in this book.
It is my hope that this book will prove to be a reference book for the beginner and a help to him throughout his shooting career, a reference book to police departments and banks, and all who are interested in pistol and revolver shooting.