These Sillosocks Blue Goose Flapping Flyer Decoy (SS1296) by Sillosock Decoys comes with a 3' ground rods. The new nosepiece design comes with a thumbscrew. For use on a rotary machine, I like to move the nosepiece to the chest. This locks it down solid so it cannot pivot as it goes round and round. These Flyers can also be used on our new "12' Telescopic" Flagging pole. This pole comes with a flagging bracket which allows the flyer to pivot(stay level) as you raise and lower the pole. The same design is utilized on the Sillosocks SIDEWINDER machine, HAMMER machine, OR SON OF STALKER machine" by Sillosock Decoys. These machines simulates geese that are "hopping" over each other while feeding. We have had great success with 3-4 machines running at the upwind side of the spread. Mix in a more flyers on ground rods around the Son of Stalker or Sidewinder for a great look.