Use the power of your intent and the magick of Wiccan correspondences to manifest love, better health, more wealth, a perfect home and more. These popular spells are perfect for every day of the year.
Discover the seven best multi-tasking magickal herbes, create your own spells using the chapter on traditional ritual and demystify the language of the Craft with a glossary of unfamiliar terms.
This collection of popular spells is ideal for busy Neo-Pagans, whether beginners or seasoned practitioners. Perfect for any and everyday of the year, these spells are easy to understand and include the entire ritual for each ceremony.
Use Simple Wiccan Magick Spells for Everyday as a stand-alone book, or as a companion to Simple Wiccan Magick Spells & Ritual Ceremony – a celebration of Wiccan Festivals on The Wheel of the Year.