Single No More: Why You're Not Attracting the Partner You Want (And What to Do About It)
Tired Of Being Single? Sick Of Bad Relationship Patterns? Ready To Understand Why Your Relationships Are Always A Struggle?
If you find yourself repeating the same unwanted relationship circumstances again and again. If you’re tired of being single. If you want to transform who you attract and ready to allow that person you’ve been craving your whole life to find you, then this book has your name written all over it.
When it comes to relationships and dating, there’s no such thing as bad luck. There’s only bad alignment.
Have you ever wondered:
Why you’re always attracting partners who can’t commit or are emotionally unavailable?
Why you might always be attracting partners who always need help or fixing?
Why you’re always attracting partners who lie or cheat on you?
Why you can’t be happy in relationships or never feel safe?
Why your relationships never last or why you can’t find one at all?
Where your relationship patterns come from and the exact steps you need to take to shift them?
How to attract that one person who is a true match to your soul?
You weren’t born unlucky, it’s not your looks, and it’s not because you’re looking in all the wrong places. You’re not the problem, it’s your inner game that’s sabotaging your relationships. The vibes you’re putting out. Those vibes and learning how to shift them is the only thing standing between you, and the relationship of your dreams.
I’ve found my soul mate. I’ve helped dozens of others find theirs. Are you ready to find yours?
Single No More reveals:
How to shift the vibes you’re putting out so you stop attracting the relationships you don’t want and attract the partner you do want.
The root cause of your unwanted relationships patterns and why we don’t even realize we have them.
How to overcome relationship fears and barriers created by unhealthy circumstances or past traumas.
Processes to identify specific conscious and subconscious aspects you may be carrying that sabotage or create unwanted relationship circumstances.
Powerful tools you can use today such as EFT / Tapping to remove blocks you’ve identified using the processes in this book.
The importance of understanding the vibration you’re putting out and why learning to shift your vibration is the most powerful thing you can do.
The Archetypes of Attraction and how to identify what pattern you fall under.
How your soulmate is a match to your soul and how take down the inner barriers preventing that special someone from showing up.
With this book, you can stop being a victim to bad relationships.
Single no more isn’t only written to teach you theoretical concepts, it’s written to help you get results. It includes worksheets, audios and videos to help you dig in so you can find out what you’re doing wrong so you can get it right.
Stop being a victim of past circumstance and the relationship blocks they create. This book will teach you exactly what you need to know. Exactly what action steps to take to shift your relationships and the people you attract once and for all.
Here’s your chance to finally break free! Get this book and attract the relationship of your dreams!