This Volume 2 followup to Single-Digit Youth Groups focuses on activities for volunteers in churches with only a few youth. This book offers activities that can be used . . . even with only one or two youth.
Volunteer workers will find articles that help develop skills for working with small youth groups.
The book includes forms, checklists, and planning aids for a mission trip or service project . . . plus reproducible pages for many activities.
This resource helps the small group identify what they can do in mission and service, helping to create life-changing experiences for youth.Â
Even if your church has fewer than 10 teens, your numbers are never too small to offer a relevant youth ministry that powerfully affects their lives.Â
In fact, smaller numbers allow you to devote more time and concentrate greater attention on your precious few. You can actually give more to fewer.
Single-Digit youth resources are designed to engage every teen, at every level of maturity, without alienating all the rest. Even in a small church, you can retain and develop the full potential of your special few.
Small churches and churches with small numbers of youth will be delighted that someone has finally written just for them!
Author Marcey Balcomb helps them discover the joys and power of a single-digit youth group and provides the practical help they need.