Sly Flourish's Dungeon Master Tips
Note, this book was originally written during the 4th edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game. While it still contains many valuable tips and tricks for any edition or flavor of many fantasty roleplaying games, some of the tips are specific to that edition. Please consider this when deciding whether or not to purchase the book. If you seek something a little more current, consider The Lazy Dungeon Master.
You’re a good dungeon master. You’ve read both Dungeon Master’s guides. You’ve run a few games. You pick up ideas here and there on the net. Or maybe you're an old grizzled vet who has run games for 20 years.
Maybe your game is feeling a little stale. Maybe your encounters didn’t run exactly as you wanted them too. Maybe you feel like you're stuck in a rut. Maybe you feel a bit overwhelmed when you have to come up with an exciting, creative game every week.
You’re not looking for a huge tome on game theory. You don’t need yet another take on world-building. You’re looking for some practical tips you can use today to help you focus your energy in the right places and make some kick-ass D&D games for you and your friends. You want something you can read quick and start using right away.
My friend, here is the book for you.
This book was written to give you solid usable tips to help you build your story, design exciting encounters, and run a great game when you’re at the table. It’s a short book, designed to be read quickly and referenced often.
Oh yeah, and it’s got some awesome original artwork by Jared Von Hindman of Head Injury Theater.
This is a completely original book. Every chapter was written from scratch to help you focus on what’s important and get past some of the roadblocks we all face when designing a D&D game.