Your children will watch in awe as Bible stories literally unfold before their very eyes. Each Bible story has a pattern for you to fold and cut as you tell the story.
Discussion questions about the story allow you to get the children involved--by having younger children help tell the story if they know it--or having older children help cut and fold the patterns.
The figures you create are key parts of the story, such as...
The snake, the tree, and the fruit from the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3);
Moses in the basket (Exodus 1-2:10);
Samson and his hair--which you cut off (Judges 16);
The lion from Daniel and the lions' den (Daniel 6);
A string of wise men (Matthew 2:1-12);
Jairus' daughter sitting up in bed (Mark 5:21-43);
The fish from when Jesus fed 5,000 people (John 6:1-13);
And more stories from both the New and Old Testaments!
Patterns are reproducible--to let you practice cutting and telling the story ahead of time--and patterns are easy to follow. The solid lines show you where to cut, while the dotted lines show you where to fold.
Make your storytelling come alive... with Snip-And-Tell Bible Stories.