Welcome Valued Customer! You probably found us from a friend of a friend of a friend’s great uncle Tony. Yeah, that guy, you know the one.
You heard the stories. The rumors. The urban legends. That one specialty shop you can only find on that empty street? Those guys that sell “magical items� Everything they sell is cursed! They have everything you want…for a price.
So Mysterious is celebrating our latest anniversary by expanding beyond our brimstone and mortar roots and launching our new website! Now you, our valued customers can browse our catalog stock of featured 100% real trinkets that are mysterious, hocus pocus, voodoo, and magic. And of course, it’s all cursed! We at So Mysterious are proud to give you the first pick of magical artifacts from infernal rummage sales, witches’ divorce settlements, defunded pan-dimensional science programs, and other quasi-peculiar suppliers and pass the savings onto you!
Enjoy our selection of specially marked items, complete with all known effects(1). Give them to your enemies, employers, and everyone else! Have that one annoying friend? Roommate? Significant other? Cut them down to size! Deflate egos! Great for pranks and fun at parties!
(1) SoMysterious.com is not responsible for any unknown effects. State taxes and shipping fees do apply. SoMysterious.com is not subject to any national laws since we exist between planes so don’t bother with any planned law suits. If lawsuits do appear your lawyers might find themselves subject to certain items so please let them be aware of what they are getting themselves into. Terms and Conditions may apply.
(So, what exactly is SoMysterious.com? It’s only the latest and greatest Adult Transformation Anthology Project from the mind of Mickey Bamboo!
Well, inside you’ll find Eight Tales of transformation from muscle growth, to weight gain, from beauty to beast. You’ll find a little bit of everything in here!
Some Highlights include:
Three Heads Are Better Than One- When a deeply repressed man is given a special item by his psychologist, he finally gets in touch with the voices inside. (Anthro and Muscle Growth)
Smoked Pork- A friend offers his “bro†a special pipe to get them closer. You certainly won’t be Boared. (Anthro)
A Waist Is a Terrible Thing to Mind- A fantasy is finally made reality when two lovers find the perfect item. But will one of them take their growing love too far? (Weight Gain) )