The Sonic universe is rocked to the core when the evil Dr. Eggman launches a devastating full-on assault against the village of Knothole, leaving Sonic's home a smoldering pile of ashes in his wake. Using treacherous new technology, he captures most of the Freedom Fighters and leaves them trapped in the nefarious "egg grapes." It's up to Sonic to lead the counter-attack against Eggman and save his friends before it's too late. This arc also features the debut of the most important Sonic the Hedgehog location in the modern era--New Mobotropolis!
Eggman Empire is the third volume of the Sonic Saga series, chronologically collecting the contemporary Sonic the Hedgehog story arcs in full-comic book size, full-color graphic novel form for the very first time.
Eggman Empire collects issues #173-176 of the Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series.