Volume 5 of ‘Spanish Sentences’ contains a series of articles and accompanying sentences. The sentences provide insight into grammatical structure and sentence building strategies. All sentences are in the bilingual format ‘Spanish to English’. The idea is to study these sentences and then read the articles. The source of the articles is the official Spanish-language blog of the United States government at ‘gobiernoUSA.gov’. Please note, the articles are not always exactly as they appear on the official ‘gobiernoUSA’ website. They have in some cases been shortened, simplified, or generalised.
The Spanish text has been translated into English for this dual-language project. The dual-language text in the articles has been arranged into sentences and short paragraphs for quick and easy cross-referencing, with each Spanish text fragment followed by its English counterpart.
The text can be used on its own. However, the content is ideal for reinforcing grammar, and as a precursor to more advanced bilingual editions.
Topics in this text include: technology, travel, environment, family & babies, family & children, family (general), health (general), mental health, and finance.