Explore the world of DreamWorks Animation's Spirit Riding Free with this new series, written in diary format, featuring the innermost thoughts of Abigail Stone as she adventures with her best friends, Lucky and Pru!
Dear Diary,
Can you believe Lucky, Pru, and I finally made it to our first Frontier Fillies Jamboree? It's going to be three whole days of riding, bonding, and tons of Fillies traditions! There are badges we can earn, but there's one prize I'm most excited for...the Hungerford Heart. At the end of the Jamboree, everyone votes to give the trophy to the herd of Fillies who best uphold Frontier Fillies values. I KNOW my herd deserves it, but I don't know if we stand a chance. My annoying little brother, Snips, has shown up, and he's about to ruin EVERYTHING!