The size and collapsable ability of this lady bird will allow you to pack in multiple birds without the struggle of space and weight
Stemmed from a real photo of a hen turkey just before she bred allows for the greatest realism out there and is sure to attract the big toms in the area
Montana Decoy's most popular 2-D hen decoy
Pairs wonderfully with Montana Decoy's Jake-Purr-fect and Fantatic Tom
It’s not complicated. Toms foolishly rush in to rendezvous with a seductive hen. This breeding hen turkey decoy has made it easier than ever to give gobblers what they are looking for in the spring woods. Using a photo taken of a hen just before she was bred sends an invitation no tom can turn down. It’s the beginning of any classic love story. Guy meets girl. Guy falls for girl…well, we’ll just let hunters holding the gun write the script. We bet it ends with feathers flying and rave reviews.