This present edition of ÅšrÄ«mad Bhagavad-gÄ«tÄ contains the essential meanings given in the commentaries of ÅšrÄ«la ViÅ›vanÄtha CakravartÄ« ṬhÄkura and ÅšrÄ«la Bhaktivinoda ṬhÄkura. It is further illuminated by the exegesis of ÅšrÄ«la BhaktivedÄnta NÄrÄyaṇa GosvÄmÄ« MahÄrÄja. This translation is complimentary to the authoritative and popular Bhagavad-gÄ«tÄ As It Is by ÅšrÄ«la A. C. BhaktivedÄnta SvÄmÄ« PrabhupÄda.