Staying Afloat in a Sea of Forgetfulness: Common Sense Caregiving Expanded Edition
"When my father was first diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I read and researched everything I could get my hands on about the disease. Right off the bat I could tell if it was written by a physician, pharmaceutical company or even a nursing home. When caregivers are looking for help, the last thing they need is medical text so complex they already forgot what they read by the time it's laid back down. This is what got me started on writing about common sense caregiving, which turned into a weekly column and now into this book.
My goal is to make this book as "caregiver friendly" as possible. Sharing my triumphs and hardships from my plus three-thousand day campaign in dealing with the disease of Alzheimer's and the world of memory-impairment.
Gary Joseph LeBlanc is an author, columnist, speaker and book dealer from Spring Hill, Florida. He was the primary caregiver of his beloved father stricken with Alzheimer's disease for nearly a decade.
LeBlanc's weekly column appears in the Hernando Today, Tampa Tribune and many other health publications. His writings offer insight and hope through his own journey of caregiving, dealing with the memory-impaired, given in a caregiver friendly manner."