Strong Medicine, How to Conquer Chronic Disease and Achieve Your Full Genetic Potential
How to Win the War Against the Enemies of Optimal Health and High Performance-A Complete, Scientific Battle Plan for Reversing Disease, Restoring Vitality and Operating at Our Peak, Athletically... According to Strong Medicine, there are two main drivers causing almost all preventable diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity and accelerated aging: chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress. High vitality, optimal health and sustainable strength can only be achieved by a properly-informed plan to understand, identify and conquer the enemies of our wellbeing. The only way to sustain a healthy, vigorous life is to make long-term lifestyle changes-across the board, be it through nutrition, resistance training, cardio or stress management. Strong Medicine shows you how to achieve an utter and complete physical and physiological transformation in 3 months without any draconian training or concentration camp nutrition. Discover how to go from unhealthy and uncertain into ever-improving levels of health, wellness and fitness... Using the intersection of cutting-edge science and real-world medicine-melded with high-level athletics, results-producing coaching and elite military-preparedness training... "Strong Medicine is flat-out amazing. If you ever wanted to take your training and your nutritional theory to an elite level-better than 99.9% of certified personal trainers-this is the book for you. It's all in here: genetics, gut bacteria, cutting-edge stress biology, molecular nutrition...even better, the 'deep science' is all explained so clearly (with charts, key points, photos and diagrams) that it's almost impossible not to understand and absorb it all fully. An automatic classic in the field, which will surely prove impossible to surpass. I bow down to the Doc and to Marty!"-Paul Wade, author, Convict Conditioning and Explosive Calisthenics