Dimensions: 7 x 11 x 21 inches, 11 kgs weight with sand. The sand coffee machine works with 110-220 Volts with the converter plug we ship with each item. It's suitable for American outlets.
The sand coffee machine crafted from copper brews the perfect Turkish - Greek coffee in a few minutes. The sand coffee machine has a stainless steel container coated by thick copper, crafted by our master artisans. Our machine can take up to 15 copper pots, serving more than 30 portions of coffee at once. Through the resistance feature, the coffee machine keeps on without consuming electricity once it reaches the required temperature.
The machine is with sand.
We send a complimentary 1 copper pot(as in the picture) as a gift with the product. We added a photo all our product design. We will send 1 machine, if you want buy. Second and third photo is for showing the model. We ship all items via DHL Air Express door-to-door cargo service with no extra charge.
Brewing Coffee 1. Fill the stainless steel container with pure sand. 2. Plug your machine into outlet. 3. Wait patiently before it reaches the required temperature. 4. Place the copper pot with cold water and coffee inside. The coffee shall be grinded finer than espresso, like a dusty cocoa powder. 2.5 grams of coffee per ounce of water is required. The copper pot shall not be filled to the top. For those wishing to add sugar and spice to their coffee, this is the time to do so. Stir in ingredients measured to taste-a teaspoon or more of sugar, 1/8 teaspoon of cardamom (if you like) at this time. 5. Stir to mix the the coffee (and spices) into the water-note that this the only time in the process that you will stir. 6. Take the copper pot off the sand before it boils over. Remove the copper pot from heat and cool down for about 20 seconds. 7. Bring the copper pot on the sand once more. Again remove it from heat and allow to cool. The foam on top of your coffee is important. 8. Pour out your coffee into small, ideally curvy cups, like espresso demitasses or even smaller. You're going for the effect of a foamy crema on top of the cup, which indicates quality of the brew.