Growing up in a small Protestant church in a typical small town may sound quite dull to some folks, but most churches of this sort have plenty of character - and characters! - to give them some excitement. If you've ever attended a church like this, you have probably encountered some people and situations just like the ones Don Reid describes in his humorous, sentimental, and very nostalgic book, Sunday Morning Memories. Don Reid, in his wonderfully witty and down-to-earth way: ò Runs the gamut of subjects from covered dish suppers to family pews to revivals to Vacation Bible School. ò Reminisces about stray radio signals coming through the PA system, using Sunday school money for purposes other than the collection plate, and skipping church on Sunday night to go to the movies. ò Reflects on candlelight services on Christmas Eve, Easter Sunrise services, weddings, and funerals. ò Reminds us to appreciate our church family, our different denominations, our church traditions, and our Lord.