Super Patriotic Heroes
During World War II, a legion of star-spangled, flag-draped superheroes fought to defeat the forces of evil. Rediscover them now, when we need them most! This book paints a compelling history and presents the exciting, full comic book stories.
Starting with The Shield and followed by Captain America, a whole battalion of red, white, and blue heroes appeared on the four-color page to help fight the Nazis. We need those superheroes again to battle for truth, justice, and the American Way!
These full-color comic stories from World War II tell of true role-models of the patriotic ideal. Their fascinating history and their stirring tales will both entertain and inspire new generations! See the two-fisted, three-colored Miss America, The Fighting Yank, Super-American, U.S. Jones, Captain Freedom, Lady Liberty, Major Victory, American Eagle, Captain Victory, and many more!
Proudly presented are action-packed stories from America's Best Comics, Fight Comics, Our Flag, National Comics, and a battleship full of other explosive comic books of the Golden Age!