Supernatural Transportation: Moving Through Space, Time and Dimension for the Kingdom of Heaven
The Bible speaks in many places of God moving people supernaturally for His plans and purposes. From Elijah to Elisha and Enoch to Philip and also the Lord Jesus himself, we have ample precedent to receive and lay hold of this reality by faith. This is our heritage and our inheritance as believers. All across the world many testimonies are coming forth showing that God still does this amazing miracle with His people.
Do You Want to Learn How to travel SUPERNATURALLY and Biblically like Enoch, Elijah, Philip and OthersÂ
Traveling and moving in the spirit is not a complicated thing. It is only a matter of learning how to engage and walk in another realm or dimension just like the saints of long ago. We can also move supernaturally for the cause of the Kingdom and the glory of God.Â
This book is a record of Michael's journey of learning to walk in the spiritual realm and of learning to move spiritually and physically across the face of the Earth to do the will of the Father. From this book you will take away powerful keys that will equip you to also experience these same miraculous events. God is no respecter of persons.Â
Whether you are traveling to other places to minister or pray for others, or ascending to the Courts of Heaven, reading this book will help prepare you to navigate the realms of the Kingdom and fulfill your destiny in Christ.Â
Learning to walk and move in the spiritual realm will better prepare you for all spiritual pursuits, whether hearing God's voice, praying for the sick, increasing in faith, seeing in the spirit or even breathing greater life into your Christian walk.