Step-by-step assembly instructions of our T-bucket or '27 kits
Photos & step-by-step instructions to clearly illustrate the construction process
Price is refundable with the purchase of a '23 or '27 kit
Does not cover Tribute T
This manual shows you how to assemble one of our 1923 T-bucket or 1927 T Roadster kits. It's full of photos and step-by-step instructions to clearly illustrate the assembly process. Manual now includes chapters on installing the engine and drivetrain, preparing and intalling the body, windshield, wiring, and even how to install upholstery.If you're considering a T-bucket purchase, you can purchase this manual first to see what it takes to build it yourself. The manual's price is fully refundable with the purchase of a 1923 or 1927 T kit.NOTE:   This manual provides detailed examples on the assembly of a traditional T-bucket. The manual does not provide in detail the assembly of our Tribute-T, but can be used as a generic reference to cover basic concepts.