Included with The Bokins is a bonus story: The City of Light. Â
You'll also get a sneak peek of the next Meus Tale: The Blankful Heart. Â
Who IS he, you ask? Who IS Mr. Meus? Any relation to the famed Dr. Seuss? Â
No relation through blood; just connection through rhyme: a marvel that travels through space and through time. Â
That Marvel of Rhyme, carried by Mother Goose, and so beautifully spun by the great Dr. Seuss. Â
Then the Dr. passed on, and his rhymes stayed behind. But who would the Marvel of Rhyme come to find? Â
There was a young man; as "Meus" he was known. And it seemed he was destined also to own... Â
That Marvel of Rhyme, that so very few see. Their names even rhymed--it was just meant to be. Â
Like you, Meus grew up with the Grinch and the Cat. And he felt in himself, "Hey, I can do that." Â
One day he was reading that Green Eggs and Ham, and then he just knew, "I'm a Rhymer, I am." Â
So he dug up some paper and pulled out a pen, and just started writing and then... then... well, then... Â
Born was the Mr. - one tale then another. So go tell your mother, your father, your brother, Â
Your uncle, your grandma, your neighbour, your sister, about this new Meus that they're calling Mr. Â
His rhymes have that marvel of old Mother Goose and that master of rhyme, the great Dr. Seuss. Â
That marvel of Meus: it's awe and then some. So stay tuned for the wonder... there's more yet to come. Â
"If you like Dr. Seuss, you'll love Mr. Meus."Â Â