The Cage Tester is the latest Female Domination story from the pen of author Vickie Scott. The story, some 40,000 words, tells how an out of work guy called Paul desperate for money agrees to test a chastity device in a government program run by the lovely Miss Kim. The initial payment isn’t enough to satisfy his landlord Sadie and so she offers him the chance to pay his debt back working for her as her slave. When the government tests are cancelled Paul is kept on as a slave by Sadie who has no real intention of ever letting him go. During his time with Sadie, Paul has his ears and nose pierced and is gradually trained as a sissy maid come slave. He hates his sissy clothes and the new chastity cage that Sadie has locked on him but far worse is to happen as the story unfolds. An act of desperation, testing a chastity cage, changes his life forever.