THE KID: Fifty-Second in a Series of Jess Williams Westerns (A Jess Williams Western Book 52)
Jess is on the hunt for more wanted men on his list. His travels eventually take him to the town of Hamburg, Texas, where he runs into an impetuous young kid by the name of Junior. The kid is seventeen and fancies himself as a seasoned gunslinger. He is pushed along by his two friends to challenge Jess to a gunfight. Jess tries his best to ignore the kid, but before he rides out of Hamburg, Junior forces his hand.
In an unusual move and against his own survival instincts, Jess purposely wounds Junior, hoping it might teach the kid a lesson. He rides out of Hamburg on the hunt for a killer and bank robber by the name of Edmond Musk. He finds himself engaged in a gun battle with Musk and his partner when Junior suddenly shows up in the middle of it.
Jess allows Junior to ride with him long enough to get him safely back to Hamburg where his intentions are to leave him there, but Junior refuses to part ways. Jess find himself having to teach Junior right from wrong so he might be able to survive to see his eighteenth birthday, but Junior’s reckless attitude and temper keep getting in the way, making Jess’s job of hunting the worst of men more difficult than ever.