Two Completely Different Sides - "Mandolin Fret Board, Tuning & General Info" and “The Practical Mandolin Chord Chart”-buy one side get the other side free !- (humor))
“The Practical Mandolin Chord Chart” - on one side has chords that you can use in a jamming or working musical environment with the most used Mandolin chords. Each key starts out showing you how to play the major, major 7th, minor, minor 7th., - from there, in various keys are chord diagrams for 5th's., 6ths., 9ths., augmented, diminished, suspended, Barre (bar) chord positions, and then some ...
"Mandolin Fret Board, Tuning & General Info" on the other side - with the names of each note on the mandolin fretboard filled in all the way up to the 15th. fret - Color coded for naturals, sharps and flats, How to Barre (bar) chords, how to tune a Mandolin, how to read tab ... more ...
No pages to turn - 8 1/2 x 11”- Made in the USA - printed in full color on 16 point recycled cardstock - UV Coated both sides - drilled for 3 ring notebooks
Part of the “Practical Chord and Fretboard Chart” series .. available in Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin and Banjo - plus - “The Chart of Harmony, Progressions & Chord Building” is also available in this series ...
No music reading is necessary to use either side of the "Practical Mandolin Chord and Fretboard Chart" The perfect addition to any learning tool or publication on the market. Side #1 = "The Practical Mandolin Chord Chart" How to play Mandolin chords in all 12 keys in a jamming or working musical environment. Each chord diagram shows you where to put which finger on the fretboard, which open strings to play - or not to play and which fret to Barre for the Barre chords - Keys are listed from the top of the chart to the bottom in "Fifths" - (Ex: the top row are chords in the key of C, then comes G, D, A, E, etc.) 8 1/2" X 11" - 16 point Recycled Card Stock - Full Color on both sides - UV Plastic Coated Chord diagrams in each key include the major, major 7th, minor, minor 7th., - chord diagrams also show 5th's., 6ths., 7/9's, 9ths., 11ths. diminished, suspended, additional Barre chord positions in various keys thru out the chart. The chord explanation on side 2 says - "As you barre any chord position up and down the neck in 1/2 steps (one fret at a time) - the name of the chord will be called the same name as the notes are called - and in the same progression as the notes are positioned on the fretboard Ex: a barred "E" chord ascending the fretboard = E, F, F#, G, G#, A, etc. ... Side #2 = "Mandolin Fret Board, Tuning & General Info" For use with and how to tune Mandolins - Has the names of each note on the mandolin fretboard up to the 15th. fret - Color coded for naturals, sharps and flats - How to read Tab ... How to Barre (bar) chords ... more ..