Taiji Fencing Principles, Volume 1 is the introductory handbook for foundational fencing ability in tai chi sword practices. This book offers practitioners of internal sword styles the necessary core principles for applying their skills in fencing and combat, and provides an excellent starting point for swordsmen of other styles and newcomers alike. This 200+ page manual includes the 9 foundational principles, with 15 fencing drills, and over 30 illustrations. Tai Chi Sword is a classical Chinese martial art which is defined by its elegance and grace. But in true-to-life combat, it can be difficult to apply these deeper skills, as most resort to hacking and slashing while under pressure. In this handbook, the reader will learn how to train their thoughts and reactions to utilize the postures found in their Taiji / Tai Chi sword forms, and develop a sense of competence in the engagement with an opponent.