Take Back Your Life: 103 Highly-Effective Strategies to Snuff Out a Narcissist’s Gaslighting and Enjoy the Happy Life You Really Deserve (Detoxifying Your Life Book 3)
Are You Being Gaslighted?
You’re at a party and you notice your husband getting a bit too close to another woman. After the party, you confront him. He tells you to stop being so insecure and controlling; that he’s his own man and if you don’t like it, you shouldn’t have acted like that in the first place. After arguing all night, you end up begging for forgiveness and apologize for the trouble.
Maybe it’s your mom - she’s picking on you like it’s a sport. She’s worried about what you’re wearing, what you’re eating - who you’re hanging out with - but it’s unhealthy. Instead of fighting back, you just suck it up and take it - maybe you’re too sensitive, or perhaps you really are crazy after all. Who can’t take a bit of criticism, anyway?
Or it’s your boss, who told you you had his support on your latest project, only to backpedal when it’s time to present it to the team. Suddenly, he criticizes you for your poor choices and he’s jumnped ship - but when you talk to him later, he tells you it was wrong from the beginning and you need to be more careful in the future. You find yourself wondering if your judgment might really be flawed, after all.
Maybe this stuff doesn’t happen in your life, but for many people, it’s an everyday reality. If you think it could never be you, think again! Some of the most intelligent and capable people are living in painfully toxic relationships with narcissists, and they’re plagued by regular bouts of gaslighting, an insidious form of emotional abuse and manipulation that can be crueler than more obvious forms of abuse because it sort of sneaks up on you.
Because of its insidious nature, gaslighting is one form of emotional abuse that is hard to recognize and even more challenging to break free from. Part of that is because the narcissist exploits one of our greatest fears - the fear of being alone.
This book offers a comprehensive plan for dealing with gaslighting and other forms of narcissistic abuse.
Inside you’ll find all kinds of tools to help you snuff out gaslighting and toxic emotional abuse, including the following.
Start on the Road to Emotional Abuse Recovery
The 10 Most Important Things You Need to Know if You're in a Toxic Relationship With a Narcissist
Mean People Suck: 3 Top Life Hacks for Dealing With Your Everyday, Average Narcissists
3 Best Practices for Dealing With Negative People in Your Life
Narcissists in Relationships: Where Gaslighting Begins
5 Surprising Facts About Gaslighting
3 Shocking Common Qualities Among the Partners of Narcissists
The 3 Stages of Gaslighting
Gaslighting Stage Two: Defense
Gaslighting Stage Three: Depression
How can you tell if you’re being gaslighted?
Top 10 Warning Signs You’re Being Gaslighted
Narcissistic Rage and Narcissistic Injury: 6 Life Hacks to Diffuse a Raging Narcissist
Surviving Narcissistic Rage and Narcissistic Injury: Diffusing a Raging Narcissist
Overcoming Your Narcissist: Top 10 Strategies to Overcome Anger and Gain Peace
Top 10 Tips for Enhancing Your Emotional and Mental Health
Staying in Control: Crucial Tactics for Managing Panic Attacks
4 Must-Know Facts about Panic Attacks
9 Best Ways to Manage Panic Attacks
Self-Confidence Booster: 8 Step Action Plan for Recovering From Narcissistic Manipulation and Abuse
6 Tips for Overcoming Adversity
8 Ways to Harness the Power of Personal Boundaries
PLUS: A Special Bonus Section
Be Your Own Life Coach: A Comprehensive Self-Healing Program
7 Days to Inner Peace - Daily Affirmations & Reflections for the Victims of Gaslighting and Other Forms of Narcissistic Abuse
Day 1: You Are Blessed.
Day 2: I am the best version of myself.
Day 3: I love and approve of myself
Day 4: My mind is clear and focused.
Day 5: I deserve the very best in my life
Day 6: I am growing stonger in body, mind and soul.
Day 7: I am grateful for all of the good things in my life.
What are you waiting for? This is the book that can change your life -