Best selling Taoist author, William Martin ("The Parent's Tao Te Ching, The Sage's Tao Te Ching, and others) has created a fictional portrait of what life might be like lived with a sense of grace and flow. The coastal community of Carson Beach, Oregon, is home to a set of remarkable characters. Ordinary on the surface, the world of James Cooper, owner and head cook at "The Happy Frog" cafe, is peopled with an assortment of extraordinary people. Connie Delaney is Cooper's assistant and resident fey woman. Connie's long-time life partner, Mary O'Hara is Director of Animal Medicine at the Oregon Wildlife Refuge. A Japanese doctor, A Chinese artist, an Irish State Police Detective, and the proprietress of a unique bookstore comprise a magic circle of friends. Into this circle comes Carl DeWilde, a refugee from Grand Rapids, Michigan, who arrives in Carson Beach, impelled by a dream of "dancing feet." Caught by a sign proclaiming, "The Happy Frog Cafe - Welcome Weary Traveler." "That's me," Carl thought, and entered a world that would transform his life. William Martin's first work of fiction, "Tales of the Happy Frog" brings us a world of realistic hope that we may all be part of something larger and more unified that we had ever imagined. We look forward to many more books exploring the magic of Carson Beach.