Teaching IOM: Implications of the Institute of Medicine Reports for Nursing Education
Used Book in Good Condition
Authors: Anita Finkelman, MSN, RN and Carole Kenner, DNS, RNC-NIC, FAAN
This updated and expanded edition summarizes the content, recommendations, clinical implications, and relevance to nursing of the IOM reports, including The Future of Nursing Report. It offers an even more extensive array of teaching-learning strategies for integrating the IOM material into the nursing curriculum.
Now available in two versions: the expanded version for instructors and a condensed version for students and staff nurses. The student guide, Learning IOM, is tailored explicitly to nursing students, and works hand-in-glove with the concepts outlined in Teaching IOM.
Shows nursing instructors, students, and practitioners how to understand the body of the 39 IOM nursing-relevant reports. Nine new reports have been added since previous edition.
Both guides are organized by IOM's five educational competencies
A new section discusses the connections between the IOM reports and ANA's nursing scope and standards and the Code of Ethics for Nurses.
Instructor's guide comes with a downloadable manual of learning modules and lesson plans complete with new instructional material, an annotated list of Internet resources, readings and resources, quizzes, and exam questions.
Materials can be used by instructors and administrators for curriculum development.