Printed exclusively in the USA. Using the latest in garment printing technology - the same quality you will find in any city boutique or department store.
This is not an unauthorized replica/counterfeit item. This is an original inspired design and does not infringe on any rights holders rights. Words used in the title/search terms are not intended to imply they are licensed by any rights holders.
Super comfy with beautiful owl design hoodie. Great gift for the holidays, birthdays or any day. Premium quality hoodie. 50% cotton/50% polyester, 7.8 oz thick fabric weight. Relaxed, comfortable classic fit, hooded top, ribbed sleeve cuffs and bottom hem. Machine washable. Guaranteed to keep you warm and comfortable this winter! it is sure to be a hit, whether you're buying it as a gift for somebody special or wearing it yourself. Available in a wide variety of sizes and colors - choose the size and color options from the drop-down list.