Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with this special edition action figure from Leonardo, part of an exclusive collection inspired by the first Turtles group sketch by co-creator Kevin Eastman. This carefully designed figure captures Leonardo's iconic look and spirit as it was originally intended, making it a must have for any TMNT lover.
AUTHENTIC DESIGN - Each figure in this collection shows off the original design of the first group sketch and faithfully represents Leonardo's classic look.
SIGNATURE ACCESSORIES Leonardo comes with his signature twin skatanas that are accurately detailed to match the original sketch.
SPECIAL BASE Each figure includes a special base that is part of a complete scene when combined with the basics of the characters Donatello, Michelangelo and Raphael. Collect all four to complete the original sketch (each figure sold separately).
Original Sketch Reprint - Enhance your collection with a reprint of the original sketch by Kevin Eastman included with each figure. This adds a unique artistic touch that celebrates the origins of the TMNT.