PGI-250XL CLI-251XL PGI250 CLI251 XL Ink Cartridges (6 Large BK 3 Cyan 3 Magenta 3 Yellow 3 Small BK) , Compatible with Pixma MX922 MG6620 MX722 MG5620 iX6820 iP7220 - Tekmall
TekMall Model No.: PGI 250XL CLI 251XL (NON-OEM)
Use For:
All-in-One Printers:
Pixma MX922
Pixma MG5520
Pixma MG6620
Pixma MG7120
Pixma MG7520
Pixma MG5420
Pixma MG5422
Pixma MG5522
Pixma MG5620
Pixma MG6320
Pixma MG6420
Pixma MG6620
Pixma MG7120
Pixma MG7520
Pixma MX722
Inkjet Printers:
Pixma iX6820
Photo Printers:
Pixma iP7220
Pixma iP8720
Ink Volume :
25ML for each PGI-250XL Ink Cartridge ,15ML for each CLI-251XL Ink Cartridge
High Yield (Approx): ~500 Pages for ink 250, ~300 Pages for ink 251
TekMall Ink Features: Outstanding Quality, High Yield, Long Lasting, Quick Dry, Waterproof, Vivid and Natural Printing.
Important Reminder:
1.Please double check the cartridge model no. if suitable for your printer before installation.
2.Please click "OK" to let the printer go on to work if the printer shows a message such as "NO INK" or " Non-Genuine ".
3.If line or blurry occured, try realigning your printer heads, choose your printer clean option to clean the print head.
We suggest you to clean the printer head when you replace the new ink cartridge.
4. Better to keep the printer on for continuous usage. Otherwise, please switch the printer on weekly.
If you have any queries during usage, please send us an email to or by log in your Amazon Buyer Account > Your Account > Your Order > Contact Seller.
We will provide you technical and general customer support less than 24 hours.Thanks.