They all need miracles. They all need the Healer. But will He come in time? Yod, a young girl born in the Valley of Mak€ob, where lepers live out the end of their days, is heartbeats away from eternity in the Dying Cave. 30 . . . 29 . . . 28 . . . Stories abound about Yeshua of Nazareth, the miracle-worker. Dare she hope for a miracle€"just for her? 27 . . . 26 . . . 25 . . .
Twenty-two-year-old Daniel, son of Melchior and Esther of Ecbatana, lives out his days in rebellion and a drunken stupor, a great embarrassment to his father and his older brother, Joshua. Life is boring beyond belief, Daniel thinks. But everything about his life is about to change. . . .
Melchior the Magus, former court astronomer to King Phraates of Parthia, has been a wealthy merchant, known for his integrity. He and his wife recall the stars that led them to Beth-lehem, to the birthplace of the long-awaited Messiah. It has now been over thirty years since that day, Melchior thinks. He again ponders the signs in the heavens. Perhaps the time of the young Messiah€s work on earth has now come to fulfillment. Could Yeshua of Nazareth indeed be that young child, now grown up and working miracles? And could any miracle save Melchior€s son Daniel?