Inspiration is more caught than taught. And E.K. Bailey has been known for his Inspirational stories from the pulpit that drive home a personal application. In his own words: 'If you grew up in the local church, you probably remember singing the 'Zacchaeus' song as a child. I've always wondered what drove Zacchaeus to climb that tree, what was in his motivation, what compelled him to climb that tree? For it is exceedingly unusual, imaginatively unlikely, and totally uncanny to see a well-dressed, well-educated, well-established, wealthy man at midday, publicly but shamelessly climbing a tree, crawling out on his its branches, hanging on a limb. What led him to ignore embarrassment, disregard shame, reject ridicule, and do something as uncharacteristic as climbing a tree for all to see? In order to answer this and many other questions, I invite you to take a journey with me...'