The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes - Text and Pocket Reference Package
Using an easy-to-understand, step-by-step approach, The 12-Lead ECG in Acute Coronary Syndromes describes how to accurately interpret 12-lead ECGs for effective recognition and treatment of patients experiencing ACS. This 3rd edition simplifies learning with a new three-step method for interpreting 12-lead ECGs, first exposing you to new information, then offering examples, and finally asking you to apply your knowledge. Then it takes 12-lead interpretation one step further by providing strategies to determine the likelihood of the presence of STEMI versus other causes of ST elevation. Written by two well-known educators, Tim Phalen, a paramedic, and Barbara J. Aehlert, a nurse, this guide includes the latest emergency cardiac care guidelines, new research, and new information on treating ACS in both hospital and prehospital environments.
- The latest emergency cardiac care guidelines are reflected in updated discussions of ACS treatment.
- More than 300 colorful illustrations, including 31 new photos, depict concepts and skills.
- Case studies promote early recognition and treatment of problems.
- Key Point! boxes offer information that you should remember to minimize problems.
- Fast Fact boxes provide helpful information.
- Did You Know? boxes provide additional information and the "big picture."
- Think About It! boxes offer valuable insights into better patient care.
- Objectives open each chapter to emphasize what should be learned.
- Key terms are bolded upon first mention to make learning them easier.
- New content on STEMI recognition includes a streamlined approach and a new emphasis on STEMI imposters (noninfarct causes of ST elevation).
- An updated approach to ECG interpretation provides simple strategies to determine STEMI after you have identified ST elevation.
- Four updated, illustrated step-by-step skills have been added, providing easy-to-follow instructions for performing basic techniques.
- Four new case studies help you apply content to actual real-life scenarios.
- Landscape view presents 12-lead ECGs in the actual sizes seen in the clinical setting.
- 12-lead ECG dual-function color overlays help you identify the location of a STEMI.
- A heart rate ruler is included with every text, making it easier to calculate heart rates.
- Over 90 new 12-lead ECGs have been added to this edition, for a total of 133.
- 30 more practice ECGs have been added to the practice chapter, for a total of 100.
- Spiral binding makes it easier to lay the book flat for study or for use while on the job.
- A new 50-page pocket reference helps you quickly identify possible STEMI, determine the likelihood of the top STEMI imposters, and confidently categorize the ECG. Included in this package and also sold separately.