A New Genealogical Atlas of Ireland, Second Edition
Family Locations & History in Ireland, indexed, 200 families mapped by locations in Ireland. 216 pages.
The First of its Kind
The First book to combine all the historical research from the past, with the modern locations of Irish Families today - culminating in 200 family histories accompanied by an individual map showing each family ! This has never been done like this before, and considering the expense, it may not be done again....
New information is found here, with an updated look at Irish genealogy on a family by family basis - with a fresh view for the new millenium. You will be surprised at the rarer names that have been mapped and included in this book, along side the well known families.
Each Family Has it Own Map The Only Time Ever in Print - you will be able to instantly identify the locations of these families in Ireland. Each of the following families has a family location map specifically given in this volume:
Adamson Alcorn Archer Mc Ateer Barrett Bartley Beattie Beggs Bell Bergin Berry Bonner Boyle Brady Brennan Mc Bride O Brien Brown Burke Byrne Caldwell Mc Candless Mc Cann Carlin Carmody Carroll Carson Mc Cartan Mc Carthy Carty Mc Cay Clarke Mc Cleary Mc Clelland Clifford Cochrane Collins Mc Comb Mc Connell O Connor Mc Conville Copeland Corrigan Costello Cowan Crowe Mc Cullough Daly Davison Delaney Mc Dermot Devine Mc Devitt Doherty Donaghy Mc Donald O Donnell Donnelly O Donovan Doran Doyle Duff Duffy Duncan Dunlop Dunne elder Mc Elroy English Mc Evoy Mc Fall Farrell Farrelly Fitzgerald Flanagan Fleming flynn Foran Gallagher Gannon Garland Mc Garvey and Mc Gee.
These are the first half of those mapped in this work. To find your name today, it might be necessary to add the Mac, Mc or O, back to the front of your name !
The last half of the names individually mapped in this book includes:
Geoghegan Geraghty Mc Gimpsey Given Glennon Mc Gonagle Gorman Mc Gourty Mc Grath Greer Hackett O Hagan Harley Harrington Hassell Hasson Hayes Healy Heffernan Henderson Henry Hogan Hogg Hopkins Hough Hussey Hynes Irwin Jennings Johnstone Joyce Kane Keane Kelly Kennedy Kenny Mc Keown Kerr kerrigan Kidd Kieran Mc Killop King Mc Kinley Lacey Mc Laughlin Lavelle Leahy O Leary Lee Logan O Loughlin Loughman Love Lynch Lynn Magee Maguire Maher Mahon O Mahoney Marshall Martin Mathers Maynes Mee Meek Mills Molloy Montgomery Moore Moorhead Moran Moreland Morgan Morton Mullan Mc Mullen Mulvanny Murphy Murray Mc Murray Mc Namara O Neill Nolan Mc Nulty Orr Pierce Quinn Rea O Regan O Reilly Rutherford Ryan Salmon Scott Mc shane Shannon Sheehan Sheehy Simpson Sinclair Smith Stewart Stit O Sullivan Tate Thompson Todd O Toole Treacy Vernor Walsh Warden Warke Whelan White Whitley Mc Williams, Wilson and Yeates. This ends the families that have been mapped in this edition.
The Final Word This book gives the origins, locations and history of Irish Families. 216 pages, 200 individual families each have their own map, giving locations across Ireland, along with family history from the author, Edward Neafsey, 6 x 9, softbound. ISBN: 0-940134-97-7 .
Country | USA |
Author | Edward Neafsey |
Binding | Paperback |
EAN | 9780940134973 |
ISBN | 0940134977 |
Label | Irish Genealogical Foundation |
Manufacturer | Irish Genealogical Foundation |
NumberOfItems | 1 |
NumberOfPages | 224 |
PublicationDate | 2002-03-01 |
Publisher | Irish Genealogical Foundation |
Studio | Irish Genealogical Foundation |
ReleaseDate | 0000-00-00 |