As children learn many of the truths the Bible teaches about God, they begin to learn how He is three persons and yet only one God. This concept is beyond what most adults can fully comprehend, but it is an aspect of the faith God creates in us through His almighty Word and the gift of Holy Baptism. When we say the words of the Apostles Creed, we express together what the Bible teaches about the triune God. This picture book is intended to help parents and educators teach children the words of the Creed and encourage them to say it in worship and at home. Presented in three sections, the book clearly and distinctly describes God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and the attributes and characteristics of each. As young readers begin to learn how each person of the Trinity is distinct and how each acts in their lives, they will learn to express their faith through the words of this ancient testimony. The Apostles Creed is written in rhyme at a fourth-grade reading level. The Creed is printed on the inside front and back covers. The explanation of each article from Luthers Small Catechism is included, as is a letter to parents to further encourage them in teaching the Creed and its meaning to their children.