The Approaching Apocalypse and Three Days of Darkness (Bible Prophecy Revealed Book 4)
(Version 1.1)
God destroyed the world once with a Flood, and the Bible says the next destruction will be with fire at the return of Christ. God is going to send fire from heaven from several different sources; from asteroid impacts, coronal mass ejections, and from a small 2nd sun that will come close enough to Earth to burn us with its flames! Yes, there are in fact many prophecies that reveal this information, going all the way back to the Erythraean Sibyl.
These prophecies tell us what the "signs in the sun, moon, and stars" will be before the global destruction hits us. Today we look at a conjunction of planets or blood moons as signs, but they are not signs of the end of the world, because those things have happened many times before and will happen again. No, the signs that Jesus told us about are astonishing, and shocking. Like the prophet Joel said, there will be "wonders" in the sky. One of these wonders will be strange colors in the sun.
This book presents powerful evidence that a nuclear war will cause the world to be covered with dark clouds, threatening to plunge the world into a nuclear winter. Followed by an asteroid impact that completes the darkness. This is the cause of the darkness and clouds at the return of Christ, and the Three Days of Darkness, prophesied mostly, but not only, by Catholics. The Three Days of Darkness are three days of total darkness upon the whole planet that will be nuclear / cosmic winter, except Christ returns with fire that will burn up the black clouds and save the world. But that fire will itself kill many people.
It will be the Day of Judgment for sinners, but the Day of Salvation for the righteous who repent to late the make the Rapture, and are alive on Earth. It is these who will continue the human race in the Kingdom of God on Earth.
This book is filled with many prophecies from the Book of Enoch, Sibylline Oracles, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and even Catholic and Protestant prophecies. It was written to warn God's people to prepare in advance, so that they can better survive those terrible days that include the Great Tribulation and the Wrath of God at the end.
Chapter 1: Understanding Christ's Return
Chapter 2: 7 Bowls of Wrath
Chapter 3: Cosmic Impacts
Chapter 4: Earth Changes
Chapter 5: The Apocalypse of Thomas
Chapter 6: The Miracle of the Sun
Chapter 7: Catholic Prophecies
Chapter 8: Protestant and Other Prophecies
Chapter 9: The Warning and Miracle
Chapter 10: The Day of Judgment
Chapter 11: Matthew 24
Chapter 12: Wedding and Return
Chapter 13: Shelter from the Storm
Chapter 14: The Kingdom Age
Chapter 15: Comets, Doomsday, & Apocalypticism
Chapter 16: Final Words
About the Author
Scripture Index
Selected Bibliography