Pick up a rifle and you change instantly from a subject to a citizen, says author Jeff Cooper. That is especially true now with fresh assaults on our freedoms and liberty from foreign and domestic sources. But before a rifle can be a tool of power, you must know how to use it well.
Armed forces have almost abandoned the idea of serious riflecraft, and with the increasing urbanization of the world, fewer people grow up honing their rifle skills. It is time to set forth the art of the rifle before it becomes a thing of the past and something very important is lost forever. And what better person to do this than Jeff Cooper? He is America's foremost rifle instructor, the founder of Gunsite Ranch and the International Pistol Institute and the author of several classic books.
In this special color edition, Jeff includes a new introduction and a new chapter on the Scout, as well as bringing you up to date on everything you need to know about the rifle, whether you intend to use it for securing meat, destroying enemies on the battlefield, protecting yourself and your family, shooting targets or resisting tyranny. He also entertains you with rousing tales of marksmanship, combat and big-game hunting all over the world. This is a book that you will treasure for years to come from America's most esteemed firearms master.